For the start you should read all the chapters on this site in full. This will save both your and microstock agency's time. Competition is consiredable and your initial submission should be successful! Next, you should prepare 10 best high resolution photographs of yours. They should be 3 MP (mega pixels) or larger and should be in compliance with the following:
1. The images have to be uncompressed JPG of quality 8 or larger (max is 12) in Photoshop, for example. Go with best quality JPG if possible (if your Internet connection is good enough to upload that large files without a hassle.
2. The images have to be 100% yours: do not submit images/illustrations that you don't have complete rights to
3. Don't submit materials with any copyrighted property on them (such as logos, trademarks etc). For example a photo of man wearing clearly visible Nike baseball cap or photo of a fast-food restaurant with clearly visible McDonald's logo on it.
4. At this point stay off the photographs of persons. Such images require model release and you don't want to bother with it at earliest stage of your microstock photographer career. You can deal with it later when you are established Microstock Agency photographer.
5. Make sure the photographs are clean of dust, scratches and noise. Make sure the lightning is okay and that photographs aren't out of focus. At this point it's technical matters that count the most.
6. Let your initial submission batch show some variety. Don't send images of same object from different angle and such. Choose one favorite image of same object and move on to different theme.
If you are an artists there's huge opportunity for you too because artwork is accepted at Microstock Agency too. More to it, it even sells better than photographs! You can submit abstract digital artwork, 3D textures and objects and best if you are able to provide vector illustrations - they are the most wanted. You can find more info on this in the next chapter so read on!
You are not limited to your photo camera. Your artistic and Photoshop skills count too! Click here to learn how!